Nate & Stacy's Vietnam Trip
Part 2: The Southeast Coast
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The road to Nha Trang
Our bus tour from Saigon to Nha Trang lasted all day, allowing us to see village life and the beautiful countryside.
The road to Nha Trang

Communist Statue
Communist statues like this were a recurring sight throughout our trip.

Our special family
When our bus had a minor accident, we spent an hour in this village. This family was right across from us.

A Vietnamese cemetery.

The road to Nha Trang
The landscape changed as we moved north and closer to the water.
The road to Nha Trang

The road to Nha Trang

Vietnamese cat
A Vietnamese cat at one of our rest stops that would not fit in our bag.

Our American dinner
After 13 hours on a bus, we needed a comfortable American meal.

The adventure continues!
Click here to continue in beautiful Nha Trang